Enhance your personality with Power of AI

How uSpeek Works?

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What uSpeek Deliver?

uSpeek provides you instant feedback about how well you are performing as a speaker, by analysing your voice and words. Get a detailed AI based report on 25+ unique parameters across three major areas: Body Language, Word Power & Voice.

Uspeek Features- Body Language

Body Language

uSpeek identifies your micro expressions, and gestures. With this information, you will be able to better understand yourself and the people around you by enabling you to look in the eye, Frequent speech, and Forward leaning posture.

Word Power

If you want to project an air of success, you need to exude assurance and poise. When you speak, use powerful language and make eye contact with your listener. Uspeek identifies and helps you stand more confident.

Uspeek Features- Word Power
Uspeek Features- Vocal Tone

Vocal Tone

Why ignore your vocal tone when you can work on it too? uSpeek helps you train with your vocal tone by providing feedback on your pitch, intensity, and clarity; and giving you exercises to improve your tone.

Enhance your Personality with Power of AI